Two-Child Policy: UP govt’s ‘Population Control Bill’

The Legal Gazette
3 min readJul 14, 2021


On World Population Day, Yogi Adityanath said that the rise in the population is the core of inequality.

Across the world, from time to time, concerns have been expressed that increasing population can be a hurdle in development, and for the past four decades discussions on it are going on. Let us, on this ‘World Population Day’, take a pledge to make ourselves and the society aware of the problems arising from the increasing population.

The first draft of the ‘UP Population (Control, Stabilisation, and Welfare) Bill, 2021’ has been released and is open for public suggestion until 19th July 2021. The draft bill has proposed that any couple who follows the two-child policy are eligible to avail of all government welfare schemes. With a population of about 220 million, the bill aims are to reduce the population growth rate to 2.1 % within the next decade.

What are the provisions of the Bill?

i. The policy will focus on increasing the accessibility of contraceptives under its Family Planning Programme and provide for safe abortion

ii. Focus on education, health, and nutrition of adolescents between 11 to 19 years and reducing the newborns’ mortality rate.

Who will be benefitted?

i. Government employees who adhere to the policy will be given promotions, increments, etc.

ii. “Public servants who adopt the two-child norm will get two additional increments during the entire service, maternity or as the case may be, paternity leave of 12 months, with full salary and allowances and three percent increase in the employer’s contribution fund under the National Pension Scheme,”

iii. Non-government employees will get tax rebates on housing loans etc if they follow the policy.

iv. If the parent undergoes vasectomy, the child would be eligible for free medical facilities till the age of 20.

v. Couples having more than two children shall be ineligible to apply for government jobs, cannot contest elections, cannot avail of government welfare schemes and the ration card would be limited to four members only.


Some people supported this bold move by Uttar Pradesh’s CM saying, such a strong and uniform policy was the need for the hour for controlling the population in the state. Others said, that they agree with the point and population and poverty go hand-in-hand and if the population is controlled we will have enough resources. Whereas a few opposed the policy, in their opinion the policy is a gimmick and only a political stunt. Some simply just did not agree with the harsh steps taken against those who do not abide by the policy such as denial of their civic rights by debarring them from government welfare schemes and contesting local elections.

Shoot your thoughts in the comments below.

Anyway that’s all from us

Until then,

Take Care :)


Amisha Upadhyay



The Legal Gazette

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